I started out well. I managed to get the ingredients into the bowl, stirred, and turned out onto a floured surface to roll out the dough and cut out the biscuits. No sweat, things are going well. The oven is preheating, the pan greased and ready. I put my beautiful little circles of dough in the pan, pop it into the oven, and set the timer. Twelve minutes later I had this:
Yes, I had something usually only created by Elly Mae Clampett. I considered using them for drink coasters, then thought it wouldn't be too bad if I covered them in butter and honey. Wrong. There's not enough sticky sweet honey in the world to make them palatable. I think I'll take them to the lake and use them as skipping stones, but with my luck I'll injure wildlife.
What the hell? Really...are you sure you got ALL of the ingredients? These are hilarious! I think I'm going to fall out of my chair...ooops..there I go.